Andy Capp, the lovable but lazy working-class hero, has been entertaining readers with his humorous misadventures since 1957. Created by Reg Smythe, the comic strip has become a beloved institution in British popular culture. While the original strip may have ended with Smythe’s passing in 1998, the character’s enduring popularity has led to continued interest in new Andy Capp comics.

Andy Capp comics

Unfortunately, there are no new official Andy Capp comics being produced. The character’s rights are currently held by Mirror Group Newspapers, which has focused on reprinting classic strips rather than creating new content. However, this hasn’t stopped fans from imagining what new adventures Andy and his long-suffering wife Flo might have. The character’s relatable struggles with everyday life, love of beer, and penchant for getting into humorous misadventures continue to resonate with readers.

Credit: Andy Capp Comics

20 Funny And Completely New Andy Capp Comics






















Despite the lack of new official content, the classic Andy Capp comics remain as funny and relatable as ever. Smythe’s masterful storytelling and artwork continue to delight readers, and the strip’s themes of working-class life, marriage, and the human condition remain timeless. Whether you’re a longtime fan or discovering Andy Capp for the first time, the classic comics are sure to bring a smile to your face and remind you of the humor and charm of this beloved character.

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