Running from 1957 to 1997, Andy Capp was a popular British comic strip featured in newspapers around the world. Created by cartoonist Reg Smythe, Andy Capp followed the misadventures of a lazy, alcoholic working class husband and his long-suffering wife Flo. The strips were known for their humor in depicting domestic disputes and Andy’s constant schemes to avoid work and responsibility. Here are over 20 of the best Andy Capp comic strips.

Calvin And Hobbes

A defining characteristic of Andy was his endless attempts to get out of work. In one strip, as Andy lays on the couch, Flo reminds him “You’ve got to go to work today.” Andy replies “I know love, but me backs been playing me up something chronic.” Making up excuses to avoid responsibility was Andy’s specialty. Another shows Andy calling in sick, only for his boss to visit and catch him out playing darts at the pub instead. Andy’s antics resonated with working class readers who enjoyed seeing a loafer outwit authority figures.

Top 20+ Andy Capp Comic Strips





















Domestic Disputes

Much of the humor came from Andy and Flo’s tumultuous marriage, as Flo tried to rein in Andy’s laziness and drinking. In a classic strip, Flo shouts at Andy “You’re drunk again!” to which Andy slurs “So what if I am? It’s me own business!” Before Flo retorts “It’s me business too when you come staggering home at all hours, waking me up and the kids!” Their fiery arguments and Andy’s refusal to change his ways despite Flo’s frustration were a consistent source of comedy.

Pub Shenanigans

When he wasn’t avoiding work or arguing with Flo, Andy could usually be found at the local pub. In one strip, Andy is enjoying a pint when a friend asks what he’s drinking. Andy replies “It’s me usual – half bitter and half mild” showing his lack of discrimination when it came to alcohol. Another shows Andy and friends playing a game of darts, only for Andy to accidentally throw a dart right through the pub window in a chaotic moment. Andy’s pub antics kept readers entertained with their relatable working class humor.

Dream Sequences

Occasionally the strips featured Andy’s dreams, which allowed his laziness and schemes to run even more wild. In one dream sequence, Andy imagines calling into work with an elaborate excuse about being trapped in quicksand, only to have his boss show up and pull him out, revealing the ruse. Another has Andy dreaming he’s won the football pools jackpot, allowing him to quit work and drink at the pub all day – a true fantasy come to life. Andy’s dreams provided an even more exaggerated look at his character.


In conclusion, Andy Capp was a comic strip pioneer who helped establish the working class comic genre with his everyman antics and domestic disputes. For over 40 years, readers around the world could relate to Andy’s schemes to avoid responsibility and constant arguments with wife Flo. Whether enjoying Andy’s attempts to dodge work, pub shenanigans with friends, or dreams of a life without constraints, the comic strip perfectly captured the humor in everyday struggles and relationships. These over 20 strips show just some of the hilarious moments that made Andy Capp a beloved comic institution for generations.

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