This young girl’s assignment just astounded her teacher and everyone else. The instructor assigned the following task to her fifth-grade class:

Ask their parents to share a tale with them that has a lesson in it. When the children returned the following day, they started sharing their stories one by one.

We live on a farm, and one day I was gathering eggs from the hen house,” Susie remarked. After gathering the eggs and placing them in my basket, I started to sprint in the direction of the house.

I shattered all the eggs as I stumbled over a rock while sprinting. “So, Susie, what’s the lesson here?” asked the instructor.

Susie advised against putting all of your eggs in one basket. Billy’s turn to go came next. Billy said, “We also live on a farm.” “To aid in the hatching of our eggs, we have incubators.

Lightning struck during a thunderstorm one night, cutting off the incubators’ electricity. “So, Billy, what’s the lesson from that story?” asked the instructor.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Billy instructed. The instructor looked at Janie.

“Do you have a story to tell, Janie?” “Yes, ma’am. I heard a story from my father about my mother. Her jet was struck while she was flying in Desert Storm as a Marine.

She only had a survival knife, a revolver, and a flask of alcohol when she had to evacuate over enemy territory.

Before her parachute dropped her in the middle of twenty Iraqi soldiers, she drank the whiskey on the way down to prevent the bottle from shattering.

She killed four more with the knife until the blade broke, shot fifteen with the pistol until she ran out of ammunition, and then used her bare hands to kill the final Iraqi.

“Good Heavens,” the appalled instructor exclaimed. “What lesson did your father impart to you from this terrible tale?” “Don’t mess with Mommy when she’s been drinking,” he remarked.

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