Pickles Comics is a popular comic strip created by Brian Crane that has been entertaining readers for over 30 years. The strip follows the misadventures of Earl Pickles, a lovable and mischievous dog, and his family and friends. With its witty humor and endearing characters, Pickles Comics has become a beloved classic that continues to bring joy to readers of all ages.

The Characters of Pickles Comics

The main character of Pickles Comics is Earl Pickles, a mischievous and lovable dog who loves to get into trouble. Earl is always coming up with new schemes to get himself and his friends into hilarious situations. Other characters in the strip include Earl’s owner, Grandpa Pickles, a wise and patient man who always tries to keep Earl out of trouble; Earl’s sister, Opal, a sweet and innocent dog who is always getting caught up in Earl’s schemes; and Earl’s best friend, Nelson, a loyal and supportive dog who is always there for Earl, even when he gets into trouble.

source : Pickles Comics

20 Entertaining Pickles Comics





















The Humor of Pickles Comics

Pickles Comics is known for its witty and clever humor. The strip often pokes fun at everyday situations and relationships, and it is full of funny one-liners and sight gags. Crane’s clever use of language and his ability to create hilarious situations make Pickles Comics a must-read for anyone who loves a good laugh.

Pickles Comics

Pickles Comics has been a popular comic strip for over 30 years, and it continues to be enjoyed by readers of all ages. The strip has been translated into over 20 languages and has been adapted into several animated television shows. Pickles Comics has also been the recipient of numerous awards, including the Reuben Award for Best Newspaper Comic Strip in 1997.

Pickles Comics is a timeless classic that continues to bring joy to readers of all ages. With its witty humor, endearing characters, and clever storytelling, Pickles Comics is a must-read for anyone who loves a good laugh.

One thought on “20 Entertaining Pickles Comics that will make your mood happy”
  1. […] The Pickles comic strip, created by Brian Crane, made its debut in 1990 and has since become a staple in the world of comic strips. The characters, including the lovable Earl and Opal Pickles, along with their quirky family members and friends, have endeared themselves to fans around the world. The humor and relatability of the comics have made them a timeless favorite among readers of all ages. […]

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