A 6-YEAR-OLD BOY TOLD HIS MOTHER THAT AT SCHOOL, HE FOUND HIS TWIN by John Warner-September 24, 2024 When six-year-old Luke revealed to his mother Amy that he had a twin at school,
she was taken aback.Amy enjoyed a wonderful life with Jeff and their son Luke for a long time, enjoying wonderful times together as a family.Luke told his mother Amy about his day when he returned from school one day. Luke began.

“Mom, I swear…”Remember what we said about swearing?” Amy questioned her kid.”I’m telling you, Mom—Luna is my twin sister,” he went on. Amy said in a perplexed tone, “Luke, you’re an only child, honey.””No, Mom! I mean it.
I look like Luna, and we share the same birthday. The teachers also believe that we are twins. Luke would not stop talking about Luna, what she would like to do, dress, eat, etc. as Amy cooked.”Mum, she’s fantastic. You’ll enjoy her.
Luke stated at the time. Amy believed that Luna was Luke’s special pal because Jeff was still away from home.”Do you believe you possess a picture of Luna?” Then, she asked her son. Luke grabbed the class portrait and hurried to his bedroom. Amy realized that even though she had previously seen the photo, she had only ever noticed her son until Luke pointed Luna’s finger at it.However, Luna bore a striking likeness to Luke,
so much so that her mother-in-law was likewise perplexed by the similarity. “How about we ask Luna over?” Amy enquired of Luke. “We can have a playdate if her mom is cool with it.””Do you believe she will attend?” Luke inquired. “Like,
come on over?” Amy grinned at her kid and said, “I’ll talk to her mom when I drop you off tomorrow.”Jeff was so exhausted when he got home from work that they didn’t discuss the events of the day. Amy was unable to fall asleep as Jeff went straight to bed following supper.
The morning came as she battled.After dropping Amy off at school, Amy went to see Penelope, who was Luna’s mother. After that, they set up a playdate.
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