Turns out we’ve been barking up the wrong tree when it comes to Mickey Mouse’s pal Goofy
Mickey Mouse’s moniker makes it obvious that he is a mouse, but has Goofy’s identity ever been defined?
Surely not, since there hasn’t been a need, has there? Isn’t Mickey Mouse’s best friend a dog?
Bill Farmer, the voice actor for the renowned animation, says that we’ve all got it wrong and that the dog isn’t actually a dog.
Actually, the clumsy creature might look a lot like a dog.
Bill Farmer has been the official voice of Goofy since 1987.Getty Images
Disney designers gave him the nickname Dippy Dawg when he first appeared in the 1932 episode Mickey’s Revue.
Dippy Dawg appeared in the show six times in total, but by the time of his seventh performance in 1934, he had taken on the name “Goofy” and was a regular.
However, nobody has ever brought attention to the fact that he is an animal, save from the fact that he was initially named a “dawg.”
He also doesn’t resemble a dog at all when compared to Mickey’s dog Pluto.
While Pluto only barks and moves around on all fours, Goofy can walk on two feet and converse.
Farmer, who assumed the position of Goofy’s official voice back in 1987, has now added his voice to the long-running discussion about what kind of animal Goofy is.
With complete authority, he told Yahoo! News the solution and asserted that people have been barking up the wrong tree for decades.
Farmer said: “He is not a dog.”
“Pluto is a dog, but Goofy seems to be in the canine family in the same way that a wolf is not a dog, but they also are in the canine family. I think Canis Goofus is the technical Latin term for what Goofy is. He’s just Goofy.”
Bill Farmer revealed Goofy isn’t a dog.Disney
That’s all, the voice actor for Goofy has spoken.
However, since Goofy was once known as Dippy Dawg, I’m sure that some people—including myself—will still harbor doubts about him being more than simply a silly dog.
I should mention that a user of Twitter asked their followers the following question on the social media network: “The people have been debating for years & years… Is goofy a dog or a cow?”
Because of Goofy’s romantic interest in Clarabelle Cow in the renowned television series.
Do you still believe that he is a dog, or is Goofy just being Goofy, as the Farmer puts it? Have you changed your mind?
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