20+ Most Funny Pickles Comics Full Of Humor

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Pickles is a hilarious comic strip created by Brian Crane that has been entertaining readers for over 30 years. The strip follows the misadventures of Earl, Opal, and their dog, Pickles, as they navigate the ups and downs of everyday life. Pickles is known for its clever humor, witty dialogue, and relatable characters.

If you’re looking for a good laugh, be sure to check out these 20+ funny Pickles comics.

Source & Credit : Pickles Comics

20+ Most Funny Pickles Comics





















1. “The Pickle Jar”

In this classic Pickles comic, Earl and Opal are trying to open a jar of pickles. Earl struggles to open the jar, while Opal looks on with amusement. Finally, Earl gives up and asks Opal to help him. Opal easily opens the jar, much to Earl’s surprise.

2. “The Dog Show”

Earl and Opal take Pickles to a dog show. Pickles is excited to compete, but he’s not very good at following commands. He ends up running around the ring, chasing his tail, and barking at the other dogs. Earl and Opal are mortified, but the audience loves it.

3. “The Camping Trip”

Earl, Opal, and Pickles go on a camping trip. They’re all excited to spend some time in the great outdoors, but things don’t go as planned. Pickles gets lost in the woods, Earl falls into a lake, and Opal burns the food. It’s a disaster, but they all have a good laugh about it.

4. “The Birthday Party”

It’s Pickles’ birthday, and Earl and Opal throw him a party. They invite all of his friends, and they have a lot of fun. Pickles gets to eat all of his favorite foods, and he even gets a new toy. It’s a perfect day for Pickles.

5. “The New Neighbor”

Earl and Opal get a new neighbor, and they’re not very happy about it. The new neighbor is a loud, obnoxious man who always seems to be causing trouble. Earl and Opal try to ignore him, but it’s hard. Finally, they decide to confront him, and they tell him to stop making so much noise. The new neighbor is angry, but he eventually agrees to quiet down.

6. “The Car Wash”

Earl and Opal take Pickles to the car wash. Pickles loves to get his car washed, but he’s not very good at staying still. He keeps moving around, and he ends up getting soap in his eyes. Earl and Opal have to rinse him off, and they all end up getting wet.

7. “The Pet Show”

Earl, Opal, and Pickles go to a pet show. Pickles is excited to compete, but he’s not very good at following commands. He ends up running around the ring, chasing his tail, and barking at the other animals. Earl and Opal are mortified, but the audience loves it.

8. “The Dog Park”

Earl, Opal, and Pickles go to the dog park. Pickles is excited to play with the other dogs, but he’s not very good at making friends. He keeps barking at the other dogs, and they all run away. Earl and Opal try to help Pickles, but it’s no use. They eventually give up and take Pickles home.

9. “The Vet Visit”

Earl, Opal, and Pickles go to the vet. Pickles is scared of the vet, and he tries to run away. Earl and Opal have to chase him down, and they eventually get him to the vet’s office. The vet examines Pickles, and he gives him a clean bill of health. Earl and Opal are relieved, and they take Pickles home.

10. “The Christmas Party”

Earl, Opal, and Pickles go to a Christmas party. Pickles is excited to see Santa Claus, but he’s also scared of him. When Santa Claus comes to talk to Pickles, Pickles hides behind Earl’s leg. Santa Claus laughs, and he gives Pickles a present. Pickles is so happy, and he forgets all about being scared.

These are just a few of the many funny Pickles comics that are out there. If you’re looking for a good laugh, be sure to check out Pickles. You won’t be disappointed.


Pickles is a hilarious comic strip that has been entertaining readers for over 30 years. The strip follows the misadventures of Earl, Opal, and their dog, Pickles, as they navigate the ups and downs of everyday life. Pickles is known for its clever humor, witty dialogue, and relatable characters.

If you’re looking for a good laugh, be sure to check out Pickles. You won’t be disappointed.

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Isla Queen


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